Saturday, August 10, 2013

Totoro set

Our daughter has fallen in love with Studio Ghibli films, which is amazingly cool. It started with My Neighbour Totoro and has grown to include Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away and Ponyo. It's her third birthday next month, so my wife has designed and knitted her a Totoro sweater, Cheebie cowl and Soot Sprite hat.
Yes, they are frickin awesome

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Two things in this post: Ellie, the doll my wife has recently made for our 2yr old girl, and the African animal print bean bag she made for our living room.

My wife has recently finished a doll making course with Juliane Strittmatter, a professional puppeteer and doll maker, and her first project is Ellie, an 18" doll. She's all the doll clothes as well as a matching skirt for our daughter.
It seems that doll making is not for the faint of heart. The first tutorial was on creating the doll head by tightly layering the stuffing so it is 'firm, like an orange'. Apparently 'if it doesn't hurt then you're doing it wrong'.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fairy hat

Knitted on a whim for our daughter in an afternoon. Like a boss.

Hedgehog hands

My wife made these for our two year old daughter, who loves them with all her heart. She's going to be gutted when she outgrows them.

They're pure wool and snuggly warm.

You're a fiesty little one, but you'll soon learn some respect

This is where I keep my Jumbo Dice, in an immaculately sized R2 D2 bag, once again made by my wife.
She have me the choice of R2 or Boba Fett. I chose R2. Best dice bag ever.

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftang

I'm a geek. My wife, knowing nothing of Call of Cthulhu or dice bags, made me this.
It is made of awesome.


When my wife got her iPhone she also got Angry Birds, and we lost our son for a few weeks. All he could talk about was Angry Birds and popping pigs.
To help him with the painful transition between app world and the real world my wife made him this. Suddenly we were the pigs, and often had this coming at us at speed...